

英漢字典: give back

1. return;reflect 返回;反射

    This chamber gives back a marvellous echo. 這個房間能反射一種奇妙的聲音。

    The two opposite mirrors gave back many parallel images. 兩面對照的鏡子反映出許多相同的形象。

2. allow to enjoy again(health,freedom,liberty,etc. )恢復(健康、自由等)

    There was nothing the doctors could do to give me back the use of my legs. 醫生已沒有辦法使我的腿恢復功能。

    They gave those people back their freedom. 他們恢復了那些人的自由。

    Living in the country has given me back my health. 居住在鄉村使我恢復了健康。

3. withdraw from a position or a place;retreat 向後站;後撤;後退

    The crowd gave back to let the policemen through. 人群向後退讓警察走過去。

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